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Matrix Rhythm therapy utilizes a German therapeutic device developed by Dr. Ulrich Randoll. It is the only certified class IIa medical equipment for clinical practice. The concept of Matrix Rhythm Therapy is based on the natural physiological cellular frequencies. Disturbances in cell processes (metabolism, respiration, diffusion and transport of nutrients) due to various conditions leads to reduced cell oscillations. The ATP (powerhouse of the cell) responsible for generating the energy necessary for normal cell functions, is adversely affected by disruption of this normal rhythmic oscillation. This in turn leads to reduction in mobility, shortening of tissue and restriction of movement..

Matrix Rhythm therapy uses physiological frequency, the brain’s alpha rhythm (8-12hz) to synchronize cell rhythm thereby helping to improve the quality of the extracellular matrix ( space around cells). It re-establishes oxygen and nutrient supply to the cell.

It has been successfully used to treat the following conditions:

It is a safe and effective biological tool having no side effects. It is a pain free and safe therapy of Hi tech German and Swiss engineering.

Here at Sneh… RERC, the therapist’s have been trained and internationally certified in the use of Matrix Rhythm Therapy and will provide this service after a detailed assessment of the patient.